Gun Control: Ending the Violence
Gun control contains many components. America is the only developed country with such a high rate of gun violence. With 23 school shootings this year already, Michigan is not immune as we saw with the Central Michigan University shooting in March. While I support the right to bear arms, I also know that we need sensible gun control. The type of control that would close the gun show loophole, detect straw purchases, ban those founds to be dangerously mentally ill, as well as ban convicted felons and perpetrators of domestic violence. Mass shootings have increased dramatically creating a public health crisis. More than 38,000 people suffer premature deaths and another 85,000 suffer from gun related injuries.
“Further, the answer to school shootings is not in arming teachers and personnel. We must use reason and passion in fighting for gun control.”
Since 2007 with Virginia Tech, there have been 61 mass shootings, an average of 5.4 per year. I will work to take meaningful action to prevent mass shootings and gun violence in general. Further, the answer to school shootings is not in arming teachers and personnel. We must use reason and passion in fighting for gun control. The time for moments of silence is long gone. The time for mourning, shock, and awe followed by inaction has come to an end. I intend to vigorously work on gun control when elected governor. There may not be a perfect solution, but we must do something to meaningfully address the rising tide of gun violence. I have met many on the campaign trail who are advocates of gun control and regular people who just want to see less violence. I know and believe that we can work beyond party affiliations to get common sense gun control passed in Michigan.”