Healthcare For All
With the attacks on healthcare coming from Washington D.C., it’s critical that we have a governor who will fight for universal healthcare coverage here in Michigan.
While we have expanded the number of insured in recent years, we still have much work to do. Most Michiganders are still paying too much for their health insurance. More than half of people incarcerated in our prisons have a mental health issue – a fact indicative of a severe deficiency in our system. We must invest in prevention activities that address mental health issues proactively. By increasing access to treatment, we can reduce crime and get more of our citizens contributing to the economy.
Shamefully, Michigan lags behind in fighting the opioid epidemic that is destroying lives throughout our state. That must change.
“Quality, universal healthcare is not a privilege – it should be a right for all Michiganders. I will start with universal coverage for every child under 18.”
Our work on health related issues must include:
- Greater transparency from insurance companies and drug companies on their pricing and how they spend their money.
- New incentives for personal wellness and preventative care.
- Increasing access to mental health services.
- Implementation of policies that address the National Safety Council’s six key indicators of progress in fighting the opioid epidemic.
- Universal healthcare coverage for every child under 18 by strengthening the state’s effective Healthy Kids program.
- A legacy initiative focused on the removal of lead lines from municipal drinking water systems across Michigan, so a crisis like Flint never happens again.
Affordable Care Act
We must be on the frontlines of opposing a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Michigan has expanded its Medicaid program to increase healthcare coverage of its citizens. Republican efforts to repeal the ACA or change the Medicaid program would leave hundreds of thousands of residents without coverage, and that is morally wrong. I will strongly oppose any effort to curtail that program, to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions, to establish lifetime limits of coverage for serious illnesses, or to increase premiums for older people or people who are sick.
I will not only oppose efforts to repeal the ACA but will fight to create a universal, single-payer healthcare system here in Michigan. I promise that whatever Washington does, we will work to ensure that all Michiganders have access to quality, affordable healthcare.